Tabitha Bell forward-thinking young women themselves, started Pawsitive Pawsibilities, a 501c3 non-profit corporation, at just 13 years old. Pawsitive Pawsibilities seeks to raise funds to purchase and train service dogs for children and young adults and to raise awareness about the blessings these dogs bring to their companions in the way of independence and mobility. Morgan and Tabitha have met many young girls and boys who are very excited about helping others and willing to take on the challenge of actually doing so! These two girls believe that young people want to do big things, explore the world, meet new people and make a difference in their communities. Morgan and Tabitha started Puppy Paws to do just that!

Puppy Paws helps inspire youngsters to take their ideas and put them into action. They can give purpose to lemonade stands, bake sales, or birthday parties. Puppy Paws can provide inspiration, banners and support to youngsters who would like to organize a neighborhood lemonade stand or request contributions to a charity instead of birthday presents. The kids get to feel the pride and purpose of being part of an organization where they can often meet the service dog and his/her companion and see what they have participated in bringing together. The children frequently find people more willing to purchase goods or make donations when they realize the project has a purpose. Pawsitive Pawsibilities can assist in providing tax-deductible receipts.

1. Email Morgan and Tabitha at 1pawsitivepawsibilities@gmail.com to get your Puppy Paws starter kit which includes a vinyl banner for your table, Pawsitive Pawsibilities brochures and three Puppy Paws Tshirts.
2. Organize your own lemonade stand, bake sale, neighborhood garage sale or any other project. Use banners and brochures to ensure your customers that your intentions are philanthropic.
3. Contribute funds to Pawsitive Pawsibilities and learn all about the dogs you are supporting and the lives you are helping to change!

There is no feeling greater than being able to help another person or change an individual’s life! Morgan and Tabitha hope that by introducing the concept of community service at a very young age they can inspire kids to grow into teenagers and young adults who are aware of the talents and blessings they have and how they can use these to impact the world for the Pawsitive!